Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 13 years ago.
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James Rhodes Free Download Widget

Since revealing that I can create effective tools to share promotional content it has become a popular method of providing free downloads in exchange for mailing list sign-ups.

Following James Rhodes’ YouTube success, we were given an exclusive song from his forthcoming album to drive database acquisition. Maurice Ravel’s Toccata, From Le Tombeau De Couperin is taken from the Bullets section of his new album Bullets & Lullabies.

I designed a widget using elements of Dave Brown’s artwork and enhanced the free download mechanic I’d used for The Wombats and Fenech-Soler.

The widget includes the option to play a preview of the track before signing up to have the free download emailed to you. Sharing functionality for Facebook and Twitter is included along with an easy method of copying the embed code to your clip board.

The widget also includes Google Analytics for Flash, allowing us to gauge its effectiveness and any locations it is embedded in.

Finally I needed to design and code an html email template to deliver the message with the download link.