Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 19 years ago.
I don't update my site as often as I used to so please visit the home page to see how you can connect with me on other channels. Otherwise enjoy some dated content below. Thanks for stopping by.

The tour starts 4th July 2005

So I’m going on a tour of Europe and the UK in a week’s time. It’s not exactly a tour in the “performing to people around the continent” type of tour; I’m just backpacking. I’m extremely excited and can’t wait to get going.

I’ll be missioning around for 2 months, so every now and then I’ll try to touch base and say that I’m alive, right here.

The trip will see me visiting 9 Countries:
The Netherlands
Czech Republic

I’ll be soaking up as much culture as possible and hopefully meeting a whole pile of new friends.

Just before I head home I’ll be visiting Reading festival. It’ll be a truly awesome experience! Check www.readingfestival.com for details.

So that’s the plan, I hope to have an update every now and then, keep checking back to see what I’m up to.