Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 13 years ago.
I don't update my site as often as I used to so please visit the home page to see how you can connect with me on other channels. Otherwise enjoy some dated content below. Thanks for stopping by.

Marlon Roudette Geotargetted Splash Page


Marlon Roudette (the former Mattafix frontman) has an irregular record deal. He was recently signed to Warner Bros for the UK release and promotion of his album ‘Matter Fixed’. While we look after him in the UK, he is also signed to Universal Music Germany (and Universal for additional territories).

This proves to be a challenge for online promotion where the internet is global. Universal’s German team have been incredibly helpful in allowing us access to Marlon’s online estate. While they’re much further into the campaign than we are, it was decided that a simple splash page would be the best point of contact for UK fans.

I wrote a simple geo-location script that checks the MaxMind database of IP addresses and redirects any UK visitors to marlonroudette.co.uk. The script also drops a cookie to prevent the need to check the database every time a returning visitor loads the site.

The splash page was designed by Kate Brighouse and features a YouTube embed, link to buy the Riding Home EP, a sign-up module that validates and submits via jQuery and a tour dates listing powered by the bandsintown facebook app.

By hosting the splash page on marlonroudette.co.uk we are able to keep the site updated without needing to involve the German team. The geo targeting script works very well to ensure that visitors always land on the site most relevant to the territory they’re in.