Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 11 years ago.
I don't update my site as often as I used to so please visit the home page to see how you can connect with me on other channels. Otherwise enjoy some dated content below. Thanks for stopping by.

Foals #HolyRAH Twitter Chat Page


During the week that Foals released ‘Live at the Royal Albert Hall’, the band did a Q&A with their fans via Twitter.

To promote the chat session I built a simple page to display feeds of questions and answers. I used the standard Twitter widgets to create two feeds and embed them on the page.

I reused the background animation I’d created for the campaign splash page, fading between two fullscreen background images.

The chat session was scheduled for 7pm GMT, so to make sure fans got the time right, I added a timer counting down to the start of the chat.

The Q&A went really well with #HolyRAH trending worldwide and the page acting as a great live feed and summary of the event.