Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 13 years ago.
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James Rhodes’ Virtual Piano


James Rhodes is a brilliant campaign to work on. The contrast between his genre, personality and marketing makes him truly unique.

The Warner Bros. digital team has put a lot of effort into making his online presence top-class – comparable with some of the most digitally savvy artists. As a SEO and viral marketing strategy we commissioned Etiket to create an interactive virtual piano for James’ website.

The flash piano was built by Jaco van der Walt – a talented designer/developer who did a lot of work for Musketeer Records when I worked there. Jaco is a friend who also designed the artwork for The Native Noise Collection Vol.1 – The Seether Sessions. It was great to work with Jaco again and I hope to do more business with him.

As the project manager on the virtual piano, I briefed Jaco on the features we needed and he took the project even further by adding in functionality to record your own song and email it to your friends.

I enhanced the HTML page to add in more SEO friendly meta data tags as well as a facebook like button and improved sharing functionality.

To launch the virtual piano we put together a competition, encouraging visitors to record songs and submit them for James to choose the best ones. The top five entries will each win a signed copy of James Rhodes’ new album Bullets & Lullabies.

Go play piano on the James Rhodes website now.