Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 12 years ago.
I don't update my site as often as I used to so please visit the home page to see how you can connect with me on other channels. Otherwise enjoy some dated content below. Thanks for stopping by.

Clement Marfo Hardest Working Fan Facebook App


We wanted to engage Clement Marfo & The Frontline fans and get them to spread the new video for Mayhem (feat. Kano) like wildfire.

I took the link sharing system I’d built for All the Young and made some major improvements. To start with I created a setup file and optimised the app to make it more templated. Now all the text, links, sharing optimisation, competition details and php functions only need to be defined once for the entire app.

We wanted to reward the fans with the links that genuinely get the most clicks, so I added functionality to count unique clicks separately. The leaderboard ranks users based on their unique clicks but the total activity on their link is still recorded and accessible through the admin section of the app.

I built an admin section that allows us to view all link activity, user details and the total number of clicks that the campaign has generated. This section is password protected to ensure that the results are secure.

To improve the app further I integrated bit.ly url shortening to automatically generate a short url for each fan that signs up.

The app was created to run as a Facebook tab so sharing had to be optimised for Facebook sharing. Each user’s unique link is bundled with personalised sharing meta tags. So posting someone’s url will share a link with a title and description explaining that you can help them win the tickets by simply clicking on the link.