Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 11 years ago.
I don't update my site as often as I used to so please visit the home page to see how you can connect with me on other channels. Otherwise enjoy some dated content below. Thanks for stopping by.

Foals YouTube Video Carousel


Foals wanted to display all their latest videos on their website so I used the YouTube API to pull in a playlist of all the videos from the new album.

I used jQuery to send a getJSON request to YouTube and itterate through all the results.

The most recent video in the set gets embedded as a large player at the top of the page while thumbnails for all the remaining videos are placed underneath it.

Using jQuery, I set the thumbanails to load the relevant video in the main player when one of them is selected.

Finally, to integrate the carousel into the website, I made sure the content was all responsive and set to adjust according to the size of the browser window.