Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 12 years ago.
I don't update my site as often as I used to so please visit the home page to see how you can connect with me on other channels. Otherwise enjoy some dated content below. Thanks for stopping by.

Muse The 2nd Law Campaign Purchase Page


Driving sales for a huge priority release is always a political minefield. It can be challenging to support all retailers and simplify the purchasing process for fans.

To promote the new Muse album I built a page highlighting all the different album formats (Box Set, Digital, CD, CD/DVD & Vinyl) and linked to all the relevant retailers for each product.

With Muse being such a massive international priority we also needed to provide purchasing options for other major territories.

Rather than creating a separate page for each territory, I wrote one php page and used htaccess rewriting to interpret a querystring and display the correct buy links and translations for each country.

To simplify communications we set-up a smarturl directing people to the correct country page based on their IP location. This meant that all advertising and messages from the band only needed to point to https://smarturl.it/the2ndlaw for fans to see the correct purchasing options.

Mobile-friendly layouts have become part and parcel of everything I do these days, so I included some responsive design to ensure that the page looks good on mobile devices.

The site was very effective in streamlining communications, simplifying advertising and giving retailers equal focus on a global scale.